Social Media Notice

Guidelines for interacting with Ferring UK’s Social Media platforms

Our Social Media platforms are a place to share Ferring Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd. related information and is intended for UK residents only. These rules are here to help make sure we provide a quality environment for our followers. To post or comment on this page, you will need to follow these rules:

1. We welcome the opportunity to hear from you on our page/profile and encourage you to participate in the discussions. However, any comments deemed inappropriate or offensive, by the administrators, will be removed.

2. We aim to respond to your posts and comments within 48 hours

3. Comments are moderated by the administrators and any comments deemed inappropriate will not be published.

4. Comments, language, images or links that are considered hateful, racist, homophobic, sexist or those that specifically target a religion, nationality or political belief are not tolerated on this forum and will be removed.

5. As a useful resource, we may provide links to information and resources not owned or maintained by Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd. These are provided for information only and Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd. does not guarantee, or make any representation as to the accuracy, correct functioning or accessibility of any link provided.

6. Legal and regulatory restrictions mean we cannot engage in promotional or other discussions about Prescription Only products (POMs), ‘P’ Medicines or Medical Devices where the topic of conversation is not in line with the products approved licence, or treatment options via social media. This includes Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd. products and pharmaceutical products from other companies.

7. If you believe that you have experienced any medical side effects or reactions from a Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd product you should consult your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional immediately, and please email us at, or call us on 0800 111 4126. Adverse events should also be reported on

8. Social media accounts that Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd. follows or is followed by are not an indication of our endorsement of these accounts or the content they produce. Comments posted on the Page/Profile by users do not represent the opinions of Ferring Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
We regularly monitor and moderate contributions to our platforms to ensure compliance with regulations and to safeguard our followers. Thank you for reading our rules and guidelines and we hope you enjoy the sites!



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FERRING, the FERRING PHARMACEUTICALS logo and other Ferring product trade names are trademarks of Ferring B.V. save where indicated otherwise.
